Fishermen Arrested in Brufut for Clashing With Chinese Fishing Trawler

By: Fabakary B. Ceesay

(IGP Touray)

Reliable information from family members and colleagues confirmed that two members of the Brufut fishing community were arrested and detained by the Serious Crime Unit of the Gambia Police Force at Headquarters in Banjulafter confrontation that happened between them and a Chinese fishing trawler that almost allegedly ran over their wooden fishing boat.

The two fishermen Sadibou Jobe and Lamin Touray, both natives of Brufut were arrested after a brawl at sea with a Chinese fishing trawler that they alleged was fishing outside its authorised area and almost ran over their wooden fishing boat.

According to the information gathered by Trumpet, the two men were arrested after being accused by the Chinese for allegedly pouring petrol on their trawler during the fracas that injured two of their sailors.

When the Chinese reported the matter to authorities, the two men were immediately arrested and detained.

But according to colleagues of the two who were also at sea during the incident, Lamin Touray and Sadibou Jobe acted in self defence at the right time to avoid deadly fatality on them.

“If they did not act quickly the trawler would have run over them and that would be fatal. They would either jump into the sea to drown or risk being run over to death by the trawler”, their colleagues said.

(PRO Sisawo)

The two men were all granted bail after spending almost six days in custody at Police Headquarters in Banjul.

The two men, Lamin Touray and Sadibou Jobe, were granted bail and are reporting to Police on weekly basis after providing sureties that deposited two landed title deeds and a bond of D500, 000.

However, the Police Public Relations Officer Cadet ASP Modou Musa Sisawo was contacted and briefed on the matter. But for a week now we could not get any information him his office as to the matter.


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