October 12, 2020

 The Gambia Pilot Program (GPP) is an initiative by the Government of The Gambia and the German Financial Cooperation, through KfW, and will serve as a model for the larger “Regional Stabilization and Development Fund” of ECOWAS. 10 million Euro were committed for The Gambia to invest in the GPP grants scheme for agricultural infrastructure, for vocational training and skills development, for training and capacity building. GAMWORKS is entrusted with the management of the Program.

GPP started in October 2019 with its activities designated to upgrade agricultural value chains and promote value addition in the target regions of the Lower River Region (LRR) and the Upper River Region (URR) as well as the Greater Banjul Area (GBA), with the overall aim to promote employment and income opportunities for youth, women and other vulnerable groups like returnees.

Today, GAMWORKS is pleased to roll out the grants scheme of the GPP as a large investment opportunity for the stable growth and competitiveness of the agribusiness sector in the target regions and the selected value chains of horticulture, poultry and fishery. The program is designed to upgradeagricultural production infrastructure and on technological solutions for increased productivity and high-quality further processing, aiming towards stable, year-round production cycles and permanent jobs. Apart from infrastructure, also training and capacity building will be provided.

The candidates for grants will be both communal producers and private businesses in all stages of the value chains. However, private companies are asked to co-finance the investments with a percentage depending on the size of their operation.

GPP is designed as an open program for which eligible communal and private candidates can apply upon a Call for Proposal issued by GAMWORKS. For participation, all candidates need to register with GAMWORKS, sending their organization name and contact details at: to receive the application forms with information on procedures and funding criteria.

Communal projects will be collected first: The deadline for communities submitting Letters of Interest will be before or on November 16.

Private sector applicants will receive details and deadlines at a later stage.

All grant requests will be reviewed by an independent committee comprised of public and community stakeholders, assisted by experts of GAMWORKS supported by the company PEM CONSULT

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