Gambian Pastors Gathered for Appreciation Breakfast

Pastors at Breakfast

By Modou Kanteh

The Pastors’ Alliance in the Gambia on Friday 15 November organized an appreciation breakfast for Pastors working in various Christian ministries in the country. The gathering was meant to appreciate the various works of pastors in the country.

Giving overview of the work of pastors, the general secretary of Pastors’ Alliance Said Usup, pointed out that the work of a pastor is huge and challenging. He said in many a times people take pastors work for granted. Pastor Said Usuph said what makes pastoring work hard, is that many pastors have no time for themselves or their families because they work around the clock.

Reverend, Dr. Alieu Bayo, the chairman of Pastors Alliance encouraged pastors to continue doing what God has called them for, which he said is taking care of the souls of men and women on earth.

“God needed people to take care of his sheep and we responded,” Reverend Bayo told the gathering. He applauded the pastors for their dedication and commitment to the work of God. He reminded them that their wages are going to be paid by God himself because they are working for eternity.

Pastors Alliance was set up a year ago to complement the work of The Gambia Christian Council in the country and support the unification of the Church.  Since its inception, the Pastors’ Alliance has conducted several events for pastors, prayer meeting, conferences among other things.

The event which was held at the Shalom café in Senegambia brought together about 100 pastors including other church workers.

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